Sunday 31 July 2011

Friends Wall Flooding with Status in Facebook

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Friends Wall Flooding with Status in Facebook

As the name sounds you all will be keen to know a how it really works is there any software is it really easy to flood. Well all I have to simply say that its really easy to flood and you will have fun flooding your friends wall. So with this flooding trick we will be able to post bulk status updates on your friends wall hence grabbing his attention and pissing his ass.
We will use a simple AutoClicker software to automate our clicks which will boost the speed of clicking giving more space for more status to fit in.
Follow the below steps to flood your friends wall .:
1. Download AutoClicker Software From HERE
2. After download this software just open in your desktop browser and just sign in. ( This trick only works with Facebook's mobile version so its dam important step to follow )
3. After signing in you will something like below .:
Friends Wall Flooding Trick Facebook

4. Now search for the friend whose wall you are going to flood.
5. Now just open the software and you will have the below interface the red lined box below is the number of clicks box which you can alter according to your preference ( Do not change rest of the settings )Friends Wall Flooding Trick Facebook
6. You can start Auto Clicker with a shortcut key F2 and to stop you can click Esc.
7. Now go to your friends wall and type the message you wanna flood I am writing “Hello Wats Up !!!” as this is my favorite quote.
Friends Wall Flooding Trick Facebook
8. Now after writing the message you wanna flood just check that software is running and take your mouse to the post button don’t click it and press F2 your clicks will spamming your friends wall with your message and he will now abuse you like a shit. ( Just tell him that you are doing this for Fun )
Friends Wall Flooding Trick Facebook
9. Now press Esc. when you think messages are enough for today lets do rest tomorrow Muhaha….. Just jocking that’s it now you know how to flood anyone’s Facebook Wall.

DISCLAIMER .: The post is for educational purposes only ! “PC Arena" is not responsible for any kind of loss or damage. Its is considered as illegal, Do this @ ur own risk.
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