Bloggers Official Favicon Changer

Now earlier people used to put some script containing the URL to your image in the <HEAD> section so that bloggers default favicon can be changed into their own personal favicon even I had done same like this but now blogger has a new feature called change favicon which is right there present in the Page Elements section.
Now the main thing is that everyone may not be able to view that option in the blogger default view. But you have to choose Blogger in Draft from the footer of blogger dashboard for using that option.
Follow the below steps to change blogger favicon with official blogger in draft tool .:
1. First of all change your default blogger template to the Blogger in Draft one by scrolling down to its footer and clicking Blogger in Draft like below .:

2. Now just go to design and you will see the default Favicon Changing Option .:

3. Now in the above image you can see I am having Favicon editable option with which I can change my default blogger favicon to the one I want for my own website.
4. Now simply click on edit option which is @ the right side of Favicon and you will see something like below .:

5. Click Browse and select a .ico file you can Google on how to create a .ico file or use Photoshop to create one for your website now simply click update and that's it. You have successfully changed your Blogger website favicon
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